
Interactive Johari Window

Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Johari Window was invented by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in the 1950s as a model for mapping personality awareness. By describing yourself from a fixed list of adjectives, then asking your friends and colleagues to describe you from the same list, a grid of overlap and difference can be built up.

You can get your own Johari Window, or contribute to qureyoon's.


(known to self and others)

clever, idealistic, introverted, logical, sentimental, trustworthy

Blind Spot

(known only to others)

able, accepting, bold, brave, calm, caring, cheerful, complex, confident, dependable, dignified, friendly, helpful, independent, ingenious, intelligent, kind, knowledgeable, loving, modest, observant, organised, patient, proud, quiet, relaxed, shy, silly, wise


(known only to self)


(known to nobody)

adaptable, energetic, extroverted, giving, happy, mature, nervous, powerful, reflective, religious, responsive, searching, self-assertive, self-conscious, sensible, spontaneous, sympathetic, tense, warm, witty

All Percentages

able (5%) accepting (5%) adaptable (0%) bold (11%) brave (17%) calm (23%) caring (17%) cheerful (5%) clever (47%) complex (23%) confident (17%) dependable (5%) dignified (11%) energetic (0%) extroverted (0%) friendly (23%) giving (0%) happy (0%) helpful (5%) idealistic (29%) independent (5%) ingenious (5%) intelligent (47%) introverted (47%) kind (11%) knowledgeable (5%) logical (41%) loving (5%) mature (0%) modest (5%) nervous (0%) observant (17%) organised (17%) patient (5%) powerful (0%) proud (5%) quiet (23%) reflective (0%) relaxed (5%) religious (0%) responsive (0%) searching (0%) self-assertive (0%) self-conscious (0%) sensible (0%) sentimental (17%) shy (5%) silly (5%) spontaneous (0%) sympathetic (0%) tense (0%) trustworthy (17%) warm (0%) wise (11%) witty (0%)

Created by the Interactive Johari Window on 4.5.2006, using data from 17 respondents.
You can make your own Johari Window, or view qureyoon's full data.

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An ordinary, a bit 'geeky' guy, who enjoy blogging about all unique things across the internet world. Blogs about the blogosphere, scripts, fun, games, interesting stuffs, etc. Currently staying and working in Singapore.
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