
Cute Little Password Bird

Monday, April 07, 2008

This cute little bird will generates random passwords from the information we provide. What's the easiest word for us to remember ? Why, it's a name of course ;) Add that with your favorite words and a date. Password Generator
The result is a hard-to-guess word that is familiar and easy for you to remember.

This bird does the job well :) I got some which is quite nice such as qur07ern qurzly07 oonzly04. It indeed are familiar with me ;) is highly recommended if you want to generate a password quick ;)

OR if you want a Perfect Password like below:

Perfect Password Ultra High Security Password Generator
Then follow through ;) Every time you visit that page it will generates a unique set of custom, high quality, cryptographic-strength password strings which are safe for you to use :D I mean .. wow .. imagine if i have to remember those :P

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