
New Zlythern!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

If you notice, this new zlythern, was the 2nd attempt ;) since my first attempt on making my own template ;)

So this is the journey of my designs, the first one was taken right from somewhere around the net, the very basic template which they offer for free :P

The second one, was purely made by me, the idea, the color, the designs, uhm.. maybe it's a little bit boring or too colorful or ugly maybe :P but that's my effort :)

Curious bout the full size image will looked like ? Well grab it here (size: 289kb) and here (size: 336kb) ;)

So now, hereby i presents you the new zlythern ;) The designs layout was taken and modified from Six Shooter Media. Go give a look if you have the time ;)

Well, in this new zlythern, i mostly worked on the javascript thingy to add to the designs :P for example, there are 3 area in the main page, the New post, the recent post, and the old post (those are my assumptions though :P)

Anyway, enjoy, and maybe some comments ? ;)

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Efendi said...

Argh, there's some buggy buggy in IE ! The layout are a wee bit off than it should be ! Hm.. i'll correct this later on :P Well, anyway zlythern is always best viewed with Firefox ;)

Avatar X said...

Very funky stuff.. i like it.

Efendi said...

hehe..funky eh ;) never thought of it as funky though :P

hehe.. gracias hermano ^^

p.s: i think it's a wee bit faster on page load :P i removed a lot of elements and images :P

Raquel said...

Wow, I love it!!!! Coool.....

Efendi said...

@raquel: yoo ^^ long time no see :) hehe.. thanks alot :)

yours is pretty too ;)

Anonymous said...

Omigosh what a nice, clean and tidy template! The colours are well picked and the template is very very eye-pleasing indeed! XD

Efendi said...

hey thanks a bunch dude ^^ glad you liked it :)

Anonymous said...

ur blog so nice!!
not like mine, =P
wish u all the best also~~

Efendi said...

hi gondolier ^^
thank you very much ^^
yours is nice too ;) clean and simple ^^ i always loved those kinda layout ;)

and i wish i could read the characters :P i bet it was good articles you have ;)

thx for droppin' :)

come back again ok :D

Yossy and Ling said...

wahhh apik2 ya layoutnya... ckckckkckck....:)

Efendi said...

@linx: haloo ^^ makasih yah :) layout nya cici juga cantik kok ;) mampir sini lagi yah :D

Anonymous said...

WOW Efendi I love your new template. Nice nice nice.The purple one, I agreed its too colorful and this is perfect. very soothing color and eye catching indeed. All the time and work put into changing it, is worth your effort eh.

By the way, I've linked you up. (smile)

Efendi said...

Janet ^^ long time no visit ^^
hehe.. thx for the compliments :) glad that everybody liked it :) took me lotsa dizzy makin' this up :P

but i'm happy that you liked it too :)

thx 4 da linx, yours is up too ;)

Anonymous said...

Nice colours ;) And I like the 'logo', is it a dragon?

Efendi said...

alo indah ^^ pa kabar ? :)
thank you :) yup it's a dragon :) i guess this layout's theme is dragon, you get to see it everywhere :P

p.s: i snatch the dragon from wallpapers :P turns out pretty good eh ;)

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An ordinary, a bit 'geeky' guy, who enjoy blogging about all unique things across the internet world. Blogs about the blogosphere, scripts, fun, games, interesting stuffs, etc. Currently staying and working in Singapore.
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