[Update 2007-07-11]
You can grab the beta tester for this version, directly from CrossLoop ;)
Download Page:
http://www.crossloop.com/3y6io3 (Expires on Friday July 13, 2007)
User Name: xlbeta
Pwd: filetransfer
Mr. Mrinal over at CrossLoop has done it again. The Simple Secure Screen Sharing - CrossLoop have been injected with a whole lotsa awesome stuffs !As you can see, there are 3 NEW FEATURES ! For those of you who have tried CrossLoop before, this will get you to jump off your seat ;)
I'll try to summarize the new features ;) Which is nicely symbolized by 3 new icons on your CrossLoop screen :D
1. File Transfer
The first new features, that have been on everybody's wishlist ;) is the FILE TRANSFER
Right now, there'll be no hassle to fire up some mail, attach it, and send it, just to provide it to your clients. It's now as easy as click-drag-drop ;) So USEFUL !! You can now send as much files as you wanted ;P
There's a slight action to be considered when you are receiving files though. Currently CrossLoop does not provide the scanning for viruses for the file which is transferred. So just take a preventive action, and do your Anti-Virus software to examine the files which you receive ;)
Though it will a perfect, if we can ask for scanning viruses too eh ? ;)
2. View Only and Share Control
This is by far the simplest feature which does very good.
It will simply prevent the others from taking the whole keyboard and mouse ;)
There's some note on how to do the View Only mode
If you are on a HOST computer and you want to make sure that the JOIN computer never has control of your computer, hit the "Connect" button before you give the access code to the person on the JOIN computer. At that time you can select the View Only mode (the red "x" will appear on the keyboard/mouse icon) and you can then give the Access Code to the person on the JOIN computer.
3. Switch Control
The Switch Control, is pretty much a SWITCH :D
So, what does Switch will be applied to ? Let's say you are doing some support on clients, so you CrossLoop-ed to him/her right ? Now, after handling this and then, you can't seem to find the problems, hence you can give him/her a solutions. In this case, your client can try to switch, and reproduce the problem on your computer, while you're watching ;) NEAT eh ? ;)
Well, that's a Switch in my mind :P Though i think there'll be more other usefulness as you use CrossLoop more and more often ;)
Lastly, this was a huge lift-up to the value of CrossLoop ;)
On another note:
Crossloop version 1.10 will connect to and work with older Crossloop versions but the new features will only be available if version 1.10 is installed on both computers.
So, if you wanted to try your hand on the new CrossLoop, just leave a comment or mail me, i'll give you the private beta release for CrossLoop 1.1 ;)
For those of you who haven't get their hands on CrossLoop, I highly recommend you to try it ;)
Looks interesting... but it requires download and installation - not easy for novice users. Perhaps it's good tool to support mom or friends, but for professional support I strongly recommend Techinline Remote Desktop - the easiest remote support tools I've ever seen.
It works on any Windows and needs just a browser to run. No downloads or installs.
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