I've introduced MyBlogLog before as a great service to make friends with readers ;)
MyBlogLog, now is growing real big ! Many users are interested on joining MyBlogLog, some of it, i'm sure .. uhm .. well kinda sure :P they are just goin with the flow, they saw it there, they've been told bout it, so they signed up.
But what happens after that ? Some is enjoying it, some join their friends community, and some HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO ?!
I think for the last "some", that some become the HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO ?! some, because there's some lack in HOWTO use MyBlogLog, IMHO atleast ;)
Sure they've provided Help, and Blog for MyBlogLog, but that just it, just plain old introduction, upgrading to pro's account, about MyBlogLog, where to report if you found bugs, but NONE of it tells us, what to do with MyBlogLog (pardon me for sayin this Eric :P)
So, then hereby, i'll try to cover some guide on "What You Can Do with MyBlogLog" a.k.a "The COMPLETE Guide to MyBlogLog(ging)" ... boy, doesn't that sounds good ;P
Well, here after you signed up, then just log in, and you will see this one :
Your Profile Page !
![]() |
Find Your Interest, Join A Community
MyBlogLog Community offers lotsa great one ;) you can find a new one here, share common interest, leave message to the author, make new friends ;)

- First, check out the new HOT one here ;) community that got here, if i'm not mistaken, is the one who get people to join up, and they drew lotsa people on one day, so that's made em HOT ;)
- Second, this is one thing i like the most, these are the new baby born in MyBlogLog ;) new community :) i found lots of interesting one every day ;)
- Third, if you don't like the same old HOT communities, then you might wanna see the TOP 50 one ;) But as a note here to Mr. Eric, i think the algorithm is kinda messed up ? The tag cloud didn't shows the correct one, i mean if it was TAG CLOUD, then the most to be considered TOP has to be the one is BIG FONTS right ;) but it does not behave like that lately ;)
- Fourth, if you are so bored in office, or dont have thing to do, why dontcha browse all the communities in alphabetical order :P you might find a pearl inside it ;)
Meet People, Be Friends
MyBlogLog have great number of members up till now :) This is where you'll meet new friends, even get to know your favourite blog author you often visit ;)

Well the members area, are pretty much the same as with the community ;)
- First, I think this is the HOTTEST member right now (dunno how to get there :P)
- Second, This are also the lists of Hot Members ! (again .. no clue on how to get there :P)
- Third, this is our new friends here :) there's a link if you wanna see more new members ;)
- The fourth and the fifth are pretty much the same as above ;)
Still wanna some tips ? Try click-ing the MyBlogLog logo on the top left and you will see the front page of MyBlogLog.
What to do on the Front Page ?

- Go Back to your profile page ;P
- Browse other 'recently' RANDOM 'hot' community ;) as you see, mine got there once :P (couldn't resist to capture the screen :P)
- This is the people that 'hit' the Front Page, as well as you too, so might wanna check 'em up, or skip 'em
- Get the recent reader widget to put on your blog/web page, the look of the widget will mostly like what you saw here
Pheeew.. that's all about it boyz and gurlz :) hmm.. well .. okay .. maybe it's not that COMPLETE :P but at least i hope new members can learn this MyBlogLog much quicker ;)
So then, new readers, let's meet at MyBlogLog ;)
[Update 2006-12-16]: Apparantely mtwmike have dug this posts, so if you're a digger, then feel free to dug this ;)
Well written, very clear and easy to understand too.
Glad to be a member of MyBlogLog too.
I feel very thoroughly winked at.
well done qureyoon !! I'm sure some people will found it useful, especially for people who just join :) and they don't know what to do
well... if you don't like exploring something new your self, I suggest this "howto" as a guide
Good job and quite clear!
Well done
Mr. Paddy Tan, thanks for the comment :)
Welcome to zlythern, Malcolm ^^ thanks for the nice words ;)
Roy, thanks man :) well, for some explorer, maybe you'll get used to mybloglog real soon ;)
Madam Claude ^^ nice to have you here :) thanks for the lovely words :)
One problem with MyBlogLog is that there are people who use it to overpromote their blogs. Some of those blogs aren't "real" blogs written by a "real" person, but kind of business blogs. For example, AimeeBaby joined more than 350 communities just to get her picture seen on all the pages. Let's call this "MyBlogLog spam". It's not much of a problem yet, but I see that it can be. For now, the possibilities to get to know other bloggers seem a lot greater than the disadvantages.
Wow thanks for the guide!!! It is really useful to new members that have joined the service. I am not sure whether to join since I'm so preoccupied with several online communities =) But this is definitely a great and informative post!
And wow you've invested so much time in this... awesome.
Hey, good job on this. If you haven't already, you should leave a message for "rafer" about this. Again, thanks for taking the time to do this.
Great Job! i think Eric as well as every bloglog beginner will find it useful.
He~Efendi is so nice a man to help us!
@eatbees : welcome ^^ you're right, that chick joined over 1K communities O.O wow ! and apparantely some people also have noticed it, my friend Mr. Gingle have a post about that too.
Well, as for me, i think, if our intention was to get to know other communities, and make lotsa friends, then we'll know who is a spammer and who don't by lookin at their profiles :)
Anyway, got spot on that eatbees ;)
@teddy: yo man ^^ thanks for the nice words ;) glad you liked it, so if you have joined mybloglog, give me a message or two okay ;)
@alan de keyrel: Welcome Mr. Alan :) Glad you find it usefull :) An honour to see you here Sir ;)
@Cat: ^-^v *meow*
Just a random talk. I've sent you the icons I have via iconbuffet I wonder have you received them or not =)
Nicely done. This was written very well and was extremely clear.
eatbees, I completely agree. Concerned about how easily the community can be abused by spammers. I had noticed AimeeBaby the night it all started. Kept revisiting her profile every few minutes to see how many communities she'd joined... the number kept going up. Clicked reload once after about 10 seconds, number went up. It was ridiculous.
Otherwise, have been happy with it. Has been a pleasure meeting many new friends.
When I first joined MyBlogLog a week ago it was to check it out. Now I'm using it to research for resources on a new blog I'll be launching in 2007.
I find it much easier to discover new blogs on interest by searching via subject rather than alphabetically - graphic, web, design, photography, writing, marketing, etc.
thank you Mr. Josh ^^
well, me myself, have told be someone as an invite spammers :P coz he told me that he just joined mybloglog for 3 minutes and then got my invitation :P
i mean, i love making new friends :) just as you say, we can meet lotsa new friends in mybloglog :) so i don't see anythin wrong with visiting others profile and invite them ;)
@Cat: *meow* a new blog ?! whoaa.. i'm lookin forward for it :)
wah, nice point ^^ i rarely used the search box :P
this is a nice tips :) thx for sharing :)
Nice guide, but what I simply cannot find out is how to get a list of all communities I joined.
Nice guide to mybloglog. You need to send an email to scott and have them link to this post in their blog.
I just love this service. They are addressing many of the privacy/spam issues in a way that in think is good.
Rodney Rumford
Hello Andy :) welcome to zlythern :)
ah, i forgot to add that, to see all of your communities that you've joined, there's a link in the middle left, that say "View all my communities" ;)
Hope this'll help you ;) If you still have some trouble, then drop me a message ;)
Mr. Rodney Rumford, my pleasure to see you here Sir ;) Thanks for the nice words :) I'll be waiting for the launching of Mojo Pages ;)
Great !
Mr. Xujin Zheng, welcome to zlythern :) and thanks :)
Mr. Fred de Mai, nice to see you here :) thanks for the nice words ^^
Hi, Nice Post.. very informative n all in one Guide.
Gud job..keep it up..
welcome to zlythern, kapil kumawat :) thanks for the nice words ;)
Very nice, Qureyoon! the info will definitely be useful to people new to the MBL communities. Personally, I like the design work above the rest--keep it up!
Hey thanks for the info you left here! I know it will help me in figuring this all out ,,,Your great !!!
welcome to zlythern abhilash :) thanks for the nice words :)
hello Srhea, welcome to zlythern ;) glad you find it usefull ;)
That's great. Thx a lot!
thanks so much for the gr8 welcome pack into the community! Looking forward to playing here - now all I need to get sorted is the time to do it :-P
zeal, nin hao ^^ welcome to zlythern ;) glad you like it :)
hello max, welcome to zlythern :) that is the same thing i do ;) figuring out the geniuses ;P
Qureyoon, you need to add one of those "digg this" links to your blog entries! Make life easier for this lazy girl!
Nice guide on MyBlogLog! I've really come to love it there and your article gave me some new ways to get the best out of the site. Thanks!
Thanks for signing up as my friend Qureyoon! Now I know what MBL is all about...
RiverRed :) welcome to zlythern
Hm.. i dont know how to add digg to blogger :P
But, i'm glad you find it usefull here :)
Welcome, Mr. Pat ^^ my pleasure to know you to sir ;) glad you found some usefull information here ;)
Hi there, thanks for the tips. one more thing, how to make the flickr like recent readers like you have?
helo fatih, welcome to zlythern :)
"the flickr like recent readers" is MBL widget that you can apply it to your blog ;)
to do that there's a GET WIDGET button on your profile page (if you've added a site you author) and follow the instruction ;)
hi, owen, welcome to zlythern ^^
imo, MBL is more about finding communities within the same interest as you, so you can joined them and be part of it, and even get to know with the author of the communities :)
but the thing i like the most is, when you are already MBL member, and there's another MBL member drop by your site, you can see them, and make contacts with them ;) it's alway nice to make new friends right ;) especially with your readers :)
Great blog, i still learning about blog step by step.
I had to put up a pic after reading this :D. Well written.
alo mas joni ^^ welcome to zlythern :)
your blog is very nice ^^ indonesian feelin everywhere ^^
hey vivek, thanks ;) hehehe.. yeah a pic will do good ;)
nice guide,but you site take me for 2 mins to upload....mayb to many of my photo!hehe :D!Are yours blog is V2.0?
sadece türkçe biliyorum okuyamadım : ))))
That's a smashing artile dude loads of valuable information for the newbies.Great Job!
welcome to zlythern loui$$, and thanks ;) i've fixed some photo problem :P and yeah i'm still on blogger v2.0 ;)
welcome to zlythern Gul, hm.. what language are you using ? :P sorry i don't understand, but it seems you liked it here ;) and that's nice ;)
yo defuse3388, welcome man :) hope you can enjoy your stay at MBL ;) nice to see you here :)
Thanks a lot. Very useful for me !
Excellent! I think when you start on something like MyBlogLog it can look confusing - you've certainly presented everything in an understandable format. Thanks.
Frédéric Soussin, welcome to zlythern, glad you find it useful ;)
Mike Perry, welcome to zlythern, thanks for the nice words ;)
Thanks a bunch. I just spent a boatload of time learning about MyBlogLog this morning. You summed it up nicely. I hope I am using it correctly. Something new always requires so much learning!
Nicely done, well done.
Hello Teri, welcome to zlythern :)
yeah, first step is the hardest one
hope you can get this MBL thing ;)
welcome to zlythern keztral :) thanks
comprehensive guide.. good read! keep it up
Great effort,
Keep it up mate
Shall check your blog as soon as posible right now am at office.
hello ilker, welcome to zlythern :) and thanks :)
Puhspendra, welcome to zlythern :) thanks ;)
nice tutorial, thanks. well done
Great job. I understand everything better now.
nice tut for beginners...
Thanks! This is a great quick reference. Good job!
i am brokenshardz... you did a gr8 job...
Really helpful, makes it easier to nav. Thanks!
thanks for the tips.
Been recommending to others this good startup kit :)
Great guide, thanks;)
Hello, I am having trouble just figuring out how to make someone my Contact. Is that a good step if you want to be associated with that person?
Thank you!! This was very helpful. I am a little less lost now. :-)
[...] If you have in mind to sign up for MyBlogLog, or if you are already a member but have no idea what to do, have a look at this (almost) complete guide to MyBlogLog(ging) by qureyoon. [...]
great tutorial!
thanks for everybody that read this posts ;) hope it'll help you out :)
i haven't yet been able to figure out
How to have interaction with other members?
Seek help
For example www.mydoctortells.com is my webportal providing free online expert medical opinion.
I said free, not fee.
Now I cannot figure out how people will come to know that there is expert medical guidance available online where you do not type in your credit card no. You are not even obliged to sign and login.
That is the expertise that people like you who eat and breath internet have.
I am a medical doctor and i hve not got any guidance from any angel in the blog community.
The above was too long. Shows how suffocated I feel.
It is sunday and you are trying not to work. Plz drop by and say something.
I am starved.
Feeling totally neglected among the web savvy people.
Love and Regards,
DR. ASHOK, i've replied your long questions over the email ;)
thanks for visiting zlythern ;)
Thanks for the insight!
Yours Truly,
Ms. Latina Renee
Business Directory:
Pretty comprehensive there!
Thanks for the visit to my blog, and for the kind comment.
Ciao for now.
great.. i like this info!!!
Hi Efendi, great tutorial. However, i have oneeeeeee little question.. hehe
umm, how do i completelyyy sign out from MyBlogLog?
Sometimes, i like to view blogs anynomously.. u know lah stalkin on crushes and all..and it's so embarrassing to appear in his Recent Readers!
GAH! how can i stop this from happening?
Hi there, who ever you are ;)
Well, to sign out, just sign out from your MBL account, then when you visit somebody else's page your picture and name should not appear ;)
Just to make sure of, after you sign out from your MBL account, you can clear your cache and cookies.
Another way is, you can hover to your picture in the Recent Reader, then it will have an 'X' icon on top right of your picture, you can click that, so everytime you visit again, your picture will not be displayed (as in invisible mode) ;)
This way, when you visit another page, you picture will still be displayed, only on certain pages that you click the 'X' you will be invisible.
Hope this clear up things ;)
Thanks u r information
i like your blog ....
A very well written article. Thanks.
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