Jakob Lange Skjerning from mentalized made some good point on today's AJAX trend that rose up everywhere just like a mushroom :P
An important design element that’s part of the whole AJAX business is somehow letting your user know that stuff is actually happening while the server crunches away. A common way to do so, is to add a little animated GIF that is only shown when the AJAX request is happening.
And that is one of the reasons he collected a few free animated GIFs and put them up here. Which you can download and use them in whatever project you want ;)
If you're still, don't find one that suits yer style, there still more of it here ;)
But as for bein' some perfectionist guy myself, who wanted to specify my own color, and background-color, i was still a wee bit unsatisfied with those list :P
But that was a story of 2 hours ago :P till i found Ajaxload.info - the Ajax loading gif generator :)
Which definetely the perfect one i was lookin ;) It features the simple one that add to my satisfaction, the Background and Foreground color chooser ;) Plus with the added option for Transparent background ;) *perfect* ^^

It even had multiple type of indicator on which you can choose from ;)
But one thing that lacks here, is the preview of each indicator type :P so i generated each of the indicator, so that you can have an idea of what it looked like ;) as i'm sure it'll help you on not wasting some time, tryin' it one by one :P
So here you go the full list of each indicator type ;)
Circle ball
Indicator Big
Bouncing ball
Bar 2
Bar 3
Circling ball
Expanding Circle
Circle Thickbox
Wheel Throbber
3D Rotation
Indicator lite
Squares Circle
Big Snake
Big Circle ball
p.s: the colors for the above lists can be changed ;) it's not the default one ;)
Enjoy ^^
Thanks for sharing! They look wonderful!
yo teddy ^^ sup :) yup, they are ;) especially with the options to change the color :)
the one i liked most is the "big snake" and the "bar" :)
I absolutely luv the ajaxload site! I've created and used a ton of them!
yeah, they were awesome :) glad you liked it :)
awesome man liked it a lot and downloaded some too ... nice very nice
glad you like it ;) and thanks for comming :D
Many Thanks!
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